
Biswanath Mukherjee

姓 名:

Biswanath Mukherjee

性 别:


学 位:

博 士

职 称:

教 授






Biswanath MukherjeeIEEE FellowISI高被引学者,1980年印度理工学院获本科学位,1987年美国华盛顿大学西雅图分校获博士学位。1995年起任美国加州大学戴维斯分校教授,1997年至2000年任加州大学戴维斯分校计算机科学系系主任,2011年起任美国加州大学戴维斯杰出教授,2019年起任美国加州大学戴维斯分校荣誉教授(退休),现任买球赛app排行十佳平台特聘教授,买球赛app排行十佳平台宽带技术创新研究院(IBRI)院长。主要研究领域包括:计算机网络、光网络、宽带接入网等。主要成就包括:(1)光网络虚拟化技术;(2)国际上首次提出光与无线融合接入技术;(3)面向以太网无源光网络(EPON)的增强版IPACT协议;(4)国际上构建第一个网络入侵检测原型系统等。

曾主持(完成)包括美国国家自然科学基金、美国国家计算机安全中心项目、美国国防减少威胁局项目、新加坡国家研究基金以及韩国电信、诺基亚、富士通、华为等国际知名企业合作项目超过80项。共发表英文专著4部,科技论文超过600篇,论文引用超过55000次,单篇最高引用超过7000次,H因子98。曾任国际顶级光通信会议OFC 2011大会共同主席,OFC 2009大会技术委员会共同主席和INFOCOM 1996大会技术委员会共同主席,在国际会议上做大会报告/主题报告30余次,特邀报告100余次;现任Springer光网络系列书籍主编,曾任八个著名期刊编委,包括IEEE Communications Surveys and TutorialsIEEE/ACM     Transactions on NetworkingIEEE Network。多次担任著名期刊专刊客座编辑,包括IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave TechnologyIEEE     Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsIEEE   Communications Magazine等。曾任创新创业公司IPLocks(被Fortinet收购)的董事会成员;现任包括Teknovus(被Broadcom收购)在内的多家知名企业技术顾问委员会委员。

获包括加州大学戴维斯分校“Academic   Senate Distinguished Research”奖(2019年,全校每年一人获此荣誉),IEEE通信协会光网络技术委员会(ONTC)首届杰出技术成就奖(2015年),IEEE Fellow2007年)等各类重要奖项和荣誉共21项。已指导78名学生获得博士学位,指导的研究生15人次获最佳论文奖,包括1人次获2018IEEE/OSA   Journal of Optical Communications and   NetworkingCharles   Kao最佳论文奖,5人次获IEEE Globecom最佳论文奖,4人次获IEEE ANTS最佳论文奖,2人次获美国国家计算机安全会议最佳论文奖。


1.   计算机网络

2.   光网络

3.   宽带接入网

4.         网络容灾技术



1.     买球赛app排行十佳平台特聘教授科研启动基金,2019-、主持。


2.     Defense   Threat   Reduction Agency (DTRA); Combating WMD Attacks in   Multi-Layer Mesh Networks:   From Analytical Studies to Prototype;   (PIs: Biswanath Mukherjee and Chip   Martel); Grant No   HDTRA1-14-1-0047; 8/1/14-7/31/19.

3.     National   Science   Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Program;   Dynamic Social Networks:   From Research to Marketplace; (PI:   Biswanath Mukherjee); Grant No.   IIP-14-54641; 9/1/14-2/28/15.

4.     National   Science   Foundation (NSF); NeTS: Small: Design and Provision of   Low-Carbon Optical   Datacenter Networks; (PIs: Biswanath Mukherjee   and Chip Martel); Grant No. CNS-12-17978;   8/1/12-7/31/15.

5.     Defense   Threat   Reduction Agency (DTRA); Network Adaptability from WMD   Disruption and   Cascading Failures; (PI: Biswanath Mukherjee);   Grant No. HDTRA1-10-1-0011;   $773,994; 3/16/10-3/15/15.

6.     Department   of Energy   (DOE); Dynamic Provisioning for Terascale Science   Applications Using Hybrid Circuit/Packet   Technologies; (PI:   Biswanath Mukherjee); Grant No. UCD-SPO-09-001865;     9/1/09-8/31/12.

7.     National   Science   Foundation (NSF); NEDG: Next-Generation Long-Reach   Broadband Access Networks;   (PIs: Biswanath Mukherjee and Chip   Martel); Grant No. CNS-08-32176;   9/1/08-2/28/13.

8.     National   Science   Foundation (NSF); Designing Next-Generation Robust   Telecom Networks; (PIs:

Biswanath   Mukherjee and Chip Martel);   Grant No. ANI-05-20190; 9/15/05-9/14/08.


Google   scholar上论文引用55975次,https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ytXtLjkAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao

1.      J. Yick,   B. Mukherjee, and D. Ghosal,   “Wireless sensor network survey,” Computer networks, vol. 52, no.   12, pp.   2292-2330, Aug. 2008. Google scholar引用7224

2.      H. Zang,   J. P. Jue, and B. Mukherjee, “A review of   routing and wavelength assignment   approaches for wavelength-routed optical   WDM networks,” Optical     networks magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 47-60, Jan. 2000.   Google scholar引用2323

3.      B. Mukherjee,   L. T. Heberlein, and K. N.   Levitt, “Network intrusion   detection”, IEEE     network, vol.  8, no. 3, pp. 26-41,   May   1994. Google scholar引用1376

4.      B. Mukherjee,   “Optical   communication networks,” McGraw-Hill   Companies. Google   scholar引用1367

5.      G.   Kramer, B. Mukherjee, and G. Pesavento,   “IPACT   a dynamic protocol for an   Ethernet PON (EPON),”IEEE Communications   Magazine,   vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 74-80, Aug. 2002. Google   scholar引用1098

6.        S.   Ramamurthy, and B.   Mukherjee, “Survivable WDM mesh networks. Part   I-protection,” in   Proc. INFOCOM 1999.   Google scholar引用963

7.        B. Mukherjee,   “Optical WDM   networks,”Springer   Science & Business Media, Jun. 2006.   Google scholar引用950

8.        B. Mukherjee,   “WDM optical   communication networks: progress and challenges,”IEEE   Journal   on selected areas in communications, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1810-1824, Oct.   2000. Google   scholar引用940

9.        S.   Ramamurthy, L.   Sahasrabuddhe, and B. Mukherjee, “Survivable WDM mesh networks,”   IEEE/OSA   Journal of Lightwave   Technology, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 870,   Apr. 2003. Google scholar引用931

10.     B. Mukherjee,   “WDM-based local lightwave   networks. I. Single-hop systems,” IEEE network, vol. 6, no. 3,   pp.   12-27, May 1992. Google scholar引用929

11.     K.   Zhu and B. Mukherjee, “Traffic grooming   in an optical WDM mesh network,” IEEE Journal on selected areas in     communications, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 122-133, Aug. 2002.   Google scholar引用883

12.     S.   Yao, B. Mukherjee, and S. Dixit,   “Advances in photonic packet switching: an   overview,” IEEE   Communications Magazine,   vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 84-94, Feb.   2000. Google scholar引用844

13.     D.   Banerjee, and B. Mukherjee, “A practical   approach for routing and wavelength   assignment in large   wavelength-routed optical networks,” IEEE Journal on selected areas   in communications, vol. 14, no. 5,   pp. 903-908, Jun. 1996.   Google scholar引用793

14.     B.   Mukherjee, D. Banerjee, S. Ramamurthy,   and A. Mukherjee, “Some principles for   designing a wide-area WDM   optical network,” IEEE/ACM transactions on networking, vol. 4,   no. 5, pp. 684-696,   Oct. 1996. Google scholar引用767

15.     L. H.   Sahasrabuddhe, and B. Mukherjee,   “Light trees: optical multicasting for   improved performance in   wavelength routed networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.   37, no. 2, pp. 67-73, Feb.   1999. Google scholar引用708

16.     A.   Banerjee, Y. Park, F. Clarke, H. Song,   S. Yang, G. Kramer, K. Kim, and B.   Mukherjee,   “Wavelength-division-multiplexed passive optical network (WDM-PON)     technologies for broadband access: a review,” Journal of   optical networking, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 737-758, Nov. 1999.     Google scholar引用665

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