
学术报告:Magnetoelastic Biosensors for Real-Time and High Throughput Pathogens Screening


时间: 2015114日下午2:00



报告摘要:In order to secure food safety, high throughput pathogen screening technique that can quickly identify and isolate unsafe contaminated food has been long-desired. Magnetoelastic (ME) biosensors are one novel device that provides wireless, in-situ, real-time detection of pathogenic bacteria. This presentation will introduce the novel ME biosensor technique, including the detection principle, the interrogation system, the fabrication of ME biosensors and their applications, especially for food safety analysis. The ME biosensor consists of a transducer that is coated with a bio-molecular recognition element for the specific capture and binding of target bacteria. ME sensors work on the principle of Joule magnetostriction, where the sensor experiences a change in its dimensions in the presence of a magnetic field. When subjected to a time-varying magnetic field, the ME biosensor vibrates with a characteristic resonant frequency. Once the biosensor comes into contact with the target pathogen, binding occurs, resulting in a decrease of the sensor's resonant frequency. Interrogated through magnetic signals, large amount of ME sensors can be deployed and monitored wirelessly, providing real-time high throughput pathogen screening information. ME biosensors have been investigated to detect foodborne pathogens in cultures, liquid foods and directly on food surfaces. This technique has the potential to be a powerful screening tool applied along the entire food supply chain.


报告人简介: 黎穗琼,于美国奥本大学获得博士学位,其后从事了将近五年的博士后研究,并于美国KWJ Engineering, Inc., 从事先进智能传感器的研发工作。黎穗琼博士长期从事新型功能材料及其在传感器方面应用的研究工作,在无线磁致伸缩传感器及其在生物检测方面的应用取得了一系列突出研究成果。近年来黎穗琼博士研发了两种新型无线谐振磁致伸缩传感器,并将其应用于食品安全方面的检测,先后作为核心成员参与了多项美国政府部门(USDAUSGS)资助、总投资近千万美元的科研项目,在Biosensors and Bioelectronics等国际传感器领域权威期刊发表SCIEI收录论文40余篇,其中第1作者论文16篇及通讯作者论文1篇,引用100余次。

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