
学术报告:Multipath Transport Protocols for Multi-homed Hosts


报告人:Prof Sanjay Kumar Bose
邀请人:沈纲祥 特聘教授
报告摘要:In the literature, Multipath Stream Control Transmission Protocol (MPSCTP) has been proposed as a multipath variant of Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). Unlike SCTP, MPSCTP uses the multiple available paths between the source and the destination in concurrent fashion, using the multihoming feature of SCTP. MPSCTP in its original form implicitly assumes no acknowledgement loss. We present modified algorithms for MPSCTP and other related protocols to mitigate this limitation and compare their performance with Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT) using ns2 based simulation. A new path selection strategy for data transmission is incorporated and its results are compared with the RTX-CWND strategy proposed in the literature. We also present a heuristic to implement delay insensitive optimization. The performance of this optimization for MPSCTP has been studied using ns2 based simulations. We have also presented the performance results of MPSCTP implementation in the Linux Kernel. We also discuss the problem of optimizing the flow division for multipath transport.
报告人简介:Professor Sanjay Kumar Bose received his bachelor degree from the University of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stony Brook University, USA. He is currently the professor, Department of EEE, I.I.T. Guwahati. He was the associate professor, School of EEE, NTU, Singapore, and the Senior Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Professor Sanjay Kumar Bose is a Senior Member, IEEE (Chairperson, IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section, 1996, 1997), Member of Sigma Xi, Member of Eta Kappa Nu, Fellow of IETE (India). His research interests include Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Communication Networks, Performance of WDM Systems, ATM Networks, Queuing Networks, Network Applications, Multiple Access Schemes, Mobile Satellite Systems, Communication & Queueing Related Software Development.
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