
业界讲座:How to be a qualified semiconductor device engineer?

报告人: 郝晗

报告时间:2018年4月8日(周日) 下午 13:00



报告摘要:Semiconductor deviceengineer main job is what? How to extract spice model and how to analysesemiconductor device characterization? And how to design product PAD ESD protectioncircuit? To be a semiconductor device engineer, we need to study what kind of professionalskills in university?



Hao Han receivedthe BS and MS in Microelectronics from Soochow University in 2005 and 2008respectively. Currently, he is a project manager in MXIC. His main job is about semiconductor devicecharacterization, SPICE modeling and product PAD ESD protection circuit design.Healso does some testkeys and testchip design, auto-pcell generation. He has more than 10 years workingexperience. He designed more than 20 flash memory products ESD protection circuit. He developed more than 30 products spice modeling about nor flash, nand flash, rom and 3d nand. He has several american and chinese patents.

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