

学位:博士 职称:教授

1996.07-2000.06 武汉理工大学、通信工程系、本科、工学学士;

2000.07-2000.08 中船重工集团722研究所、研发中心、研究组员;

2000.08-2002.08 韩国 全北国立大学、情报通信工学、硕士研究生、工学硕士;

2002.08-2005.02 韩国 全北国立大学、情报通信工学、博士研究生、工学博士;

2005.03-2006.03 韩国 全北国立大学、情报通信研究所、博士后研究员;

2006.03-2007.03 韩国 全北国立大学、客座教授;

2006.03-2016.07 买球赛app排行十佳平台、通信工程系、副教授、院长助理;

2010.07-2010.08 山东大学、教育部高等学校青年骨干教师无线宽带通信网络高级研修班、进修;

2012.03-2014.07 国家自然科学基金委员会、信息科学部一处、流动编制项目主任;

2016.07-现在   买球赛app排行十佳平台、通信工程系、教授、系主任。

担任江苏省无线通信专委会委员、江苏省信息安全专委会委员、中国通信学会青年工作委员会委员、中国电子学会青年工作委员会网络与通信系统专委会委员、国家自然科学基金委员会信息科学部 十三五战略规划专家组秘书


下一代移动通信系统与网络 、未来多媒体网络与通信系统、无线多媒体数据通信网络、通信与多媒体信号智能处理、数字多媒体信号处理、编码与调制、安全编码、深空通信、空天地一体化信息网络等。




3、国家自然科学基金项目: 面向空间通信的网络信道联合编码的动态参数优化研究61440027);

4、教育部霍英东教育基金会优选资助课题,无线宽带传输中低复杂度传输算法的实现与应用” (No.114002);






10、江苏省高校自然科学基金项目认知超宽带无线通信系统中若干关键技术研究” (10KJB510024);



发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI/EI论文40余篇,包括1区论文1篇、2区论文4篇,2015年一篇通讯作者论文获得2015 IEEE WCSP 国际会议最佳论文奖;





[1]Xiao Li, Shi Jin, Himal A. Suraweera, Jia Hou, Xiqi Gao, “Statistical 3-D Beamforming for Large-Scale MIMO Downlink Systems Over Rician Fading Channels”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2016,64(4): 1529-1543.

[2]Bin Li, Jia Hou,  Xiaofan Li, Yijiang Nan, Arumugam Nallanathan, Chenglin Zhao, “Deep Sensing for Space-Time Doubly Selective Channels: When a Primary User Is Mobile and the Channel Is Flat Rayleigh Fading”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,2016,64(13): 3362-3375.

[3]Wenwei Wu, Jia Hou, “Performance Analysis of Bundle Protocol for Deep-Space Communication”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2015, 10(3):40-45.

[4]Bin Li, Shenghong Li, Jia Hou, Junqiang Fu, Chenglin Zhao, and Arumugam Nallanathan, “A Bayesian approach for adaptively modulated signals recognition in next-generation communications”, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 2015, 63(16): 4359-4372.

[5]Yuxin Zhao, Shenghong Li, and Jia Hou, “Link quality prediction via a neighborhood-based nonnegative matrix factorization model for wireless sensor networks”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, (1): 1-8.

[6]Zhuo Sun, Jia Hou, Siyuan Liu, Sese Wang, and Xuantong Chen, “Low complexity cyclic feature recovery based on compressed sampling”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, (1): 1-7.

[7]Bin Li, Jia Hou, and Chenglin Zhao, Spectrum sensing for cognitive radios in space-time doubly selective fading channels, IEEE WCSP 2015, Nanjing, China, 2015, 7.10-12, pp1-6. (Best Paper Award,最佳论文奖)

[8]Xuantong Chen, Jia Hou, Zhou Sun, Sese Wang, and Siyuan Liu, Compressive signal reconstruction with noise pre-filtering in compressed domain, IEEE ICC 2015-workshop on Radar and Sonar Networks, England, 2015, (1): 2507-2512.

[9]张文娟,肖海林,任蝉蝉,侯嘉. MIMO干扰信道中基于动态功率分配的干扰对齐方法研究, 计算机应用研究,2015, 32(12)51-54.

[10]Rui Xianyi, Hou Jia, Zhou Liulei, “On the Capacity of Full-Duplex Relaying with Partial Relay Selection”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2014, 75(1):723-728.

[11]Zhifeng Zhu, Liulei Zhou, Jia Hou, “Research on improved coding and decoding algorithm for fountain codes”, 2014 Sixth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hefei, China, 2014, 10.23-10.25, pp.6.

[12]Jianling Hu, Ruhai Wang, Qinyu Zhang, Zhiguo Wei, Jia Hou, “Aggregation of DTN bundles for space internetworking systems”, IEEE Systems Journal, 2013, 7(4):658-68.

[13]Rui Xianyi, Hou Jia, Zhou Liulei, “Performance analysis of full-duplex relaying with Partial relay selection”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2013, 72(2):1327-1332.

[14]Wang Ruhai, Wei Zhiguo, Zhang Qinyu, Hou Jia, “LTP aggregation of DTN bundles in space communications”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2013, 49(3):1677-1691.

[15]Yu Qian , Wang Ruhai, Wei Zhiguo, Sun Xue, Hou Jia, “DTN Licklider transmission protocol over asymmetric space channels”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2013, 28(5):14-22.

[16]Chen Erkui , Huang Xu, Hou Jia, Lee Moon Ho, “A simple network coded cooperation scheme based on jacket matrices”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2012, 7(21):212-219.

[17]Xianyi Rui, Jia Hou, Liulei Zhou, “Decode-and-forward with full-duplex relaying”, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2012, 25(2):270-275.

[18]Wang, Ruhai, Wu Xuan, Zhang Qinyu, Taleb Tarik, Zhang Zhensheng, Hou Jia, “Experimental evaluation of TCP-based DTN for cislunar communications in presence of long link disruption”, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011, (1):1345-1365.

[19]Liulei Zhou, Luoquan Hu, Yiming Wang, Jia Hou, “A method for the WSN channel modeling via stochastic differential equations and its applications”, 2012 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, WCSP 2012, Huangshan, China, 2012, 10.25-10.27.

[20]Liu Yang, Jing Li, Kai Xie, Jia Hou, “Wireless data sensing and transmission through analog codes”, 2012 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2012, Princeton, NJ, United states, 2012.

[21]Ruhai Wang, Zhiguo Wei, Dave, V., Bin Ren, Qinyu Zhang, Jia Hou, Liulei Zhou, “Which DTN CLP is best for long-delay cislunar communications with channel-rate asymmetry?”, IEEE Wireless Communications, 2011, 18( 6):10-16.

[22]Lee Moon Ho, Pokhrel Subash Shree, Hou Jia, “Euler Hadamard/DCT polynomial matrix”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217( 23): 9845-9848.

[23]Jiang xueqing, Lee Moonho, Hou Jia, “Regular and irregular quasi-cyclic LDPC codes”, 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2011-Spring, Budapest, Hungary, 2011, 5.15-5.18.

[24] Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee, Extended Welch inner product theorem for systematic binary block codes, International journal of hybrid information technology, SERSC, 2008, 1(1):11-16. 

[25] Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee, Construction of Dual OVSF Codes with Lower Correlations, IEICE Trans Fundamentals., 2006, E89-A: 3363-3367.

[26] Jia Hou, Moon Ho Lee, and Kwangjae Lee, Doubly Stochastic Processing on Jacket Matrices, IEICE Trans Fundamentals., 2006, E89-A: 3368-3372.

[27] Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee, Enhancing data throughput and lower correlations quasi orthogonal function for 3G CDMA systems, International Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons. Ltd., 2006, 19(8): 915-933. 

[28] Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee, QPSK Differential Space Time Coding On Different Unitary Matrices Sets and Initializations, IEICE Trans. On Fund., 2006, E89-A (1) pp.348-353. 

[29] Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee, A Fast Search and Advanced Marking Scheme for Network IP Traceback Model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, 2005, (LNCS-3816):15-20.

[30] Jia Hou, Moon Ho Lee, Cocyclic Jacket matrices and its application to cryptography system, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, (LNCS-3391):662-668.

[31] Jia Hou, Moon Ho Lee, and Ju Yong Park, Decoding Consideration for Space Time Coded MIMO Channel with Constant Amplitude Multi-Code System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, (LNCS-3421):1-7.

[32] Jia Hou, and Moon Ho Lee, High Rate UWB-LDPC Code and Its Soft Initialization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, (LNCS-3420):406-412.

[33] Jia Hou, Kwang Jae Lee, and Moon Ho Lee, A New Complementary Quadriphase Jacket Sequence with Good Cross Correlation, Journal of the Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society, 2005, 5(4):166-171. (In English).

[34] Jia Hou, and Moon Ho Lee, Butterfly Log-Map decoding algorithm, Journal of Communications and Networks, JCN, 2004, 6(3):209-215.

[35] Jia Hou, Yu Yi and Moon Ho Lee, Multilevel LDPC Codes Design for Multimedia Communication CDMA System, EURASIP Journal on Wireless communications and Networking, 2004, 1(1):141-148.

[36] Jia Hou, and Moon Ho Lee, Multilevel LDPC codes design for semi-BICM, IEEE Communications Letters, 2004, 8(11):674-676.

[37] Jia Hou, and Moon Ho Lee, Design LDPC Codes on u/u+v Construction, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Elec. Comm. And Computer Sciences, 2004, E87-A(7):1830-1832.

[38]  Jia Hou, Moon Ho Lee, and Ju Yong park, Matrices analysis of quasi orthogonal space time block codes, IEEE Communications Letters, 2003, 7(8):385-387.

[39] Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee, On A Space Time Parallel Iterative Coding Scheme and Its Performance Evaluation, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003, 3(5):629-639.

[40] Jia Hou, Moon Ho Lee, and Ju Yong Park, New Polynomial Construction of Jacket Transform, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2003, E86A(3):652-660. 

[41] Jia Hou and Moon Ho Lee, Adaptive SNR Algorithm for Turbo Codes, IEE Electronics Letters, 2003, 39(1):71-73.

[42] Jia Hou, Moon Ho Lee, and Ju Yong Park, Analysis of Spreading Code Design for Zero Correlation Zone, The Journal of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences, 2002, 27(8A):733-738.

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